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The two images above demonstrate the difference a location can make to a photograph. The top picture, taken outdoors and amongst shrubbery and a car park shows goes with what the subject is wearing, the coat and hands in pockets showing the weather conditions. The location itself, implies that it is the outskirt of a city, the area obviously belonging to a shop or club. Further in the distance you can see a petrol station and office blocks, again showing the semi urban nature of the area.

The second image is taken in a pub. The area looks a lot warmer, mainly due to it being inside, though the fact it is in colour whilst the other is not also contributes to this. The subject has removed their coat, again implying the warmth of the pub. The photograph is also shot much closer to the subject, as well as being head on. This implies that the background has less to show off, as it is simply a pub wall.

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