Final Assignment Appraisal

For my final assignment in the photo story module I had several initial ideas, one being a contrast between students in Leeds and those who are just originally from here and another exploring middle class guilt. These ideas were ultimately scrapped in favour of the story I ended up creating.

I decided to follow an urban exploration theme where I could find abandoned buildings in and around Leeds or Halifax and attempt to tell a story about the chosen building. The abandonment of these buildings, I thought, would fit under ‘The Austerity Issue’ as austerity and hard times could lead to the state of the places I visited. But rather than just telling a story of urban decay I wanted to find a building or site with a more interesting past, instead of a simple office block.  The urban exploration forum was a main source of research when I had decided to follow a theme which involves urban exploration. The site allows you to view amateur photography of various people who have discovered somewhere. It allowed me to see how others portrayed their own stories through photographic means. Websites like this are plentiful but a lot are out of date so the details cannot always be trusted. I also visited various similar blogs from all parts of the world, these were used for a sort of inspiration more than to find a prospective site to photograph. One common theme amongst photographers when I researched ideas was that it seemed an amateur pursuit, as I failed to find any particularly well known photographers who partake. Though famous images kept popping up, in particular photographs of Chernobyl after it’s evacuation.

The site I ultimately chose to photograph for the sake of this assignment was an old mink farm in the hills above Halifax. The site was long abandoned but the long greenhouse like sheds which housed the cages retained a very eerie atmosphere. The decay which had befallen the old farm varied from shed to shed. But what was consistent was that the sheds still all contained the old cages used to contain the minks. I wanted to get some photographs of some sort of animal evidence but due to the site being long abandoned the minks are either long gone, or long dead. This meant I had to photograph something else to show that animals had once lived here. I was also interested in what happened to the farm, whether it was simply abandoned, relocated or sabotaged by activists as a passing dog walker mentioned to me. The photographs I took, I believe, convey the atmosphere that this place had. It was eerie, with the sheds all lined up, either filled with discarded cages or simply overgrown.  Overall I think these images communicate the atmosphere of the farm as well as telling a story about the possible escape of these animals.

The signs, that being signifiers and signified working together, in my images vary, below are some of my images which best show the various signs and signifiers.


In this image one of the shed is seen, but it is in a skeletal state with just its bare structure being visible. The sign here is indexical as it needs no prior cultural knowledge to be understood. The bare metalwork implies decay and abandonment. The cages that are seen on the floor in and around the shed are another signifier, as we think of animals. These two signs can be combined to asses that this area once contained many small animals. The burn marks on the structure are another arbitrary signifier as we can easily deduct that the building has suffered some fire damage.


This image contains signifiers which are a lot more open to interpretation. Although there is no sheds or cages the barbed wire as a signifier connotates security. The barbed wire is an example of a symbol, as it represents a specific cultural idea .The framing, which seems to pile the coils of wire on top of each other, shows the sheer amount, signifying that this place was jealously guarded. I think the contrast between the wire and the plant life with visual interpretation can signify the eerie atmosphere of the location.


This image shows signs similar to the last. The cages are again covered in plant life,  connoting the same ideas as before. But this image contains cages which are still racked up as if they are still in use on one side whilst across the walkway the cages are scattered. These two sets of cages combined as signifiers to signify that the site could have been left in order, with cages left racked up, conveying that the scattered cages and burnt sheds are the work of vandals and not those who once worked here.


Here the obvious signifier is the cage. It is the image with the best visual signifier showing that animals were once kept here. We can delve further into this sign by looking at the state of the cage, obviously the years of disuse have rendered it battered and useless, but the size of the cage signifies the condition the minks were kept in.  The cage’s position, discarded in the grass, could be seen as a representation of the site as a whole, just abandoned to decay in the Yorkshire countryside.


This image again shows similar signs to the aforementioned. But here we can see the unlocked latches on the cages. This signifies that they have been undone by hand. The undamaged latches are a sign that the general wear and tear of being exposed to the elements isn’t what has released the hundreds of minks that were once housed here. The open ended shed beyond the open cages again signifies freedom as the dark roof gives way to the sunny, open expanse further on.

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Retouch Tools


Untitled-1This is the original image I have edited using retouch tools.3

Here I have used the rubber stamp tool to attempt to get rid of the shadows under the eyes. The tool takes a sample area  , which you select using the Alt key, much like the way the clone stamp tool works. But unlike the clone stamp it doesn’t just replace the area with what you have selected, it uses the selected area to help repair or patch a different area4.

In this image you can see the area under the eye where the shadow has been removed. Also to demonstrate the way rubber stamp can be used, I have started to add a third eye to the face. You can also see the difference between rubber and clone stamps, as the rubber stamp blends in what it paints whereas clone stamp does not.

5This is the image with the bags under eyes removed and the third eye added.

6Here I have selected the skin areas to reduce the  median option in the filter drop down bar.8

This image shows the median option with a quick mask to aid adjustment of the skin tone.mythical

This is the final image, with the shadow removed, the third eye added, and the skin tone made to look unnaturally smooth.

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Final Assignment research

Here are links to the main websites I used for my research. They mostly consist of forums dedicated to urban exploration, these gave me ideas on locations to check out, as well as an idea of how others had presented their own photographs, mostly being amateurs. Leeds and the surrounding areas seemed to have many sites dedicated to them, possibly due to the industrial history of the area, meaning there are plenty of old mills and factories to explore.

This site is the main forum I visited whilst doing my research. It shows various different types of urban exploration and once I decided I would do something similar, albeit with more of a story, this website became invaluable.

These are some of the more recognisable images I looked at for inspiration. The remnants of the town of Chernobyl are photogrpahed regularly, and seems to be something of a holy grail to urban explorers. Generally these selections tell more of a story than the forums I visited, perhaps helped by the notoriety of the site. These photographs seem to be a lot more professionally done than those in the forums I visited.

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Spot Colour

Spot colour is a type of photography where one colour stands out from the rest, usually one item in colour whilst the rest of the photograph is in black and white. IMG_9623This image is an example of spot colour done naturally without photoshop. It’s done by composing the image so there is a majority of one colour and a minority of another, which then stands out IMG_9627 This image is an example of spot colour done in photoshop. The purple writing is it’s original colour, but the rest of the image is in black and white. You select the area or item that you wish to stand out and remove to a different layer. Then by going Image>Adjustments>black and white, I changed the layers colouring. Then I matched the writing up with its original position and merged the layers, creating a spot colour image.

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Panoramas can be made on photoshop by either manually stitching several photographs together, or by using the panorama tool photoshop provides.Untitled_Panorama1

This is a panorama after the images have been automatically stiched together by photoshop. This process involves going to file and scrolling down to automate. Another drop down box should appear, within which the option photomerge should appear. By selecting this option a box should appear, where you can select a series of images to merge together. Various layouts are available, each of which will alter the look of your panorama. After uploading your images you create your panorama by clicking the ok button. Photoshop will then blend and merge your images into one long panorama.2



The above panorama has images shopped into it. Things that are out of place, such as an elephant, big foot and a UFO. These were inserted using magnetic lasso and clone tool stamp.

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The genre of film I have analysed is that of the gangster film. With Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Reservoir Dogs’, Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘The Godfather’ and Martin Scorsese’s ‘Goddfellas’.

From the pictures inserted, a theme consistant in these films that immediately stands out is the way all the characters are dressed all well dressed, in either suits or tuxedos.

The-Godfather-Marlon-BrandoFrom the mafia to independent gangs of thieves,  suits are a common theme.  A reason for  being the idea that they are business men, suits being the correct attire for such men.

Mafia films in particular also include a lot of showy, garish furniture. Representative of the way these characters like to show their wealth. Family is another theme associated with mafia films. ‘The Godfather’ is the film most representative of this, with Michael Corleone’s decent into crime, from a law abiding war hero, is due to the actions of others upon his family.

goodfellas1_group‘Goodfellas’ and ‘Reservoir Dogs’ both have many scenes shot in similar ways, particularly long tracking shots. Also both these films seem to glamourise the lifestyle, with ‘Goodfellas’ showing the money and material gain there is in such a lifestyle, whilst also showing the perils, and ‘Reservoir Dogs’ is shot with Tarantino’s trademark pop culture references, giving it a certain cool.



baluba-warriors-in-the-central-congo-province-of-kasai-train-for-battle-with-homemade-small-arms-on-january-2-1961-faas-said-he-was-not-made-welcome-and-the-balubas-were-in-deadly-earnest photo1

War photographs have many obvious similarities, soldiers and conflict being the main ones















Yelena Menkinova

LS Lowry

Ar00184Machinery and workers are two things seen in most industrial photographs. LS Lowry’s paintings are known for their almost surreal depiction of industrial life. The people are all stick thin and en masse, implying that the scene depicted is either at the start of the day or alternatively the end.

Menkinova’s painting is one of machinery and not of people contrasting with Lowry’s. But what the two images share is the colours. Gray, black and white are predominant,

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In My Room

This assignment was designed to show the uses of metz flash. We needed to take a picture of something in our room that tells the viewer about us.IMG_9942






This is the chair in my room. I photographed this because it’s where I spend alot of my time if i’m just relaxing on my own, often even doing work whilst sat here. The flash gun was pointed towards the ceiling when I took this photo, and you can see how well it’s lit up the chair as its glinting off the leather, though not too much to create lens flare. The positioning of the chair is a bit tricky when using a flash gun, as its right next to the window, so aperture and shutter speed have to be altered to accommodate this fact.

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The War in Iraq

The war in Iraq is one of the most widely covered conflicts in history. The ability for journalists to get hold of information previously inaccessible, and photographers being able to send photographs directly to publications or post them on the internet.

Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi throws a shoe at President George W. Bush

The above article published to commemorate the tenth year since the invasion, provides us with images of those affected by the conflict. From American soldiers to Iraqi children and journalist we are given a backstory behind some iconic images. The article gives us many different perspectives of the war. Contrasting the hurt of an American who saw friends die with that of a young girl whose parents were killed by US troops, shows the intent on broadcasting the reaction of and impact on all who were involved.


The death of Namir Noor-Eldeen, an Iraqi photographer, in 2007 showed how leaked information and images are now a big part of war correspondence. When his van was fired upon by an American helicopter, killing him and at least nine others, the pentagon covered up the story, claiming that information regarding the attack was confidential. The information got out through the now infamous WikiLeaks, who claim they received footage from an anonymous whistleblower. It goes to show that pieces of journalism can now be produced through an internet connection half a world away, gone are the days of combat photographers hauling rolls of film with them through the jungles of Vietnam.

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Travel Photography

These photographs were taken in the town of Saltaire, West Yorkshire.

IMG_9445The above picture, although not of the more recognizable Salts Mill, shows a lot of what the town of Saltaire is about. The church sits in the middle of the town right next to the town train station but is set in substantial land with the size of the land is noticeable in the image.  Though an image that could be classed as a tourist image as opposed to a traveler’s, the picturesque setting and architecture in the town makes it difficult to show in an image what the place is about without seeming touristy. The church does seem a little dark in the image due to the fact I had to increase the shutter speed to capture the sunlight coming out from behind the clouds.


The picture above is of the Salt’s mill, the best known building in Saltaire. But the allotments in front of the chimney are what drew my eye. The allotment, right in front of the mill seemed out of place, the chimney rising up contrasts with the domed greenhouses,  artificial industry versus organic growth. The allotment seemed to me one of the most unusual things about the town, as Saltaire obviously tries to cater to those who come for the world heritage buildings, but there it sat a midst old mills and terraced houses.          .

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The two images above demonstrate the difference a location can make to a photograph. The top picture, taken outdoors and amongst shrubbery and a car park shows goes with what the subject is wearing, the coat and hands in pockets showing the weather conditions. The location itself, implies that it is the outskirt of a city, the area obviously belonging to a shop or club. Further in the distance you can see a petrol station and office blocks, again showing the semi urban nature of the area.

The second image is taken in a pub. The area looks a lot warmer, mainly due to it being inside, though the fact it is in colour whilst the other is not also contributes to this. The subject has removed their coat, again implying the warmth of the pub. The photograph is also shot much closer to the subject, as well as being head on. This implies that the background has less to show off, as it is simply a pub wall.

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